Littles offers its Graduates and their friends the possibility to participate in a series of afternoon Activities. Each program is specially designed for children, has a specific goal and is done in small groups by experienced educators.
The first programs already included in Littles Alumni Club are English Club Reloaded and Jiu Jitsu, while later more educational and/or sports Activities will be added.
English Club Reloaded
According to studies, learning a foreign language leads a child to improved school performance and high level of socialization. In fact, the younger the child, the easier it is for it to learn a foreign language and at the same time get into contact with a different culture, with customs and habits unknown until then.
The educational program of the English Club Reloaded is designed in such a way that, besides teaching the language, it gives the children the possibility to get into touch with a new world.
The children will interact and love the English language, while at the same time acquiring facility in their communication through a series of activities like:
- Phonological exercises
- Story narration and composition
- Recital of rhyming poems
- Games with grammatical phenomena like: articles, nouns, verbs, plural and tenses
- Educational cards
- Experiments
- Constructions
- Dramatic play
Littles Jiu Jitsu
This program has an intense element of play. Through play the children learn:
- To function in groups
- To have better concentration
- To display discipline
- Their bodies’ possibilities, but also their limitations
- To have better neuro-muscular coordination
In this program, little children learn:
- To have control over space
- To recognize danger
- To keep safe distances from danger
- If it cannot be helped to act based on the three concepts ‘easily – quickly – effectively’.
It is all done through inventive games so that self-defense becomes a fun lesson, not fear and bad quality of life.