The purpose of the school is the provision of a high-quality educational program to its students, aiming at their all-round development through a great number of activities and it constantly attempts to improve its educational services. The school attempts to provide a calm, safe and healthy environment, in which each student acquires knowledge, cultivates skills and develops his personality and acquires positive life attitudes.
Acceptance of students
- Students’ way of admission is freely determined by the school.
- Students are accepted by order of priority until full occupancy of the places per level/class per school year.
- The order of priority for registration is covered by submitting in a timely manner to the Secretariat: a) the Registration Application and b) proof of deposit of both the registration amount and the deposit amount, as provided in the Pricing policy for the tuition fees, determined by the school, and this application is accepted on condition that the places available per level/class per school year have not been exhausted. The correct completion of the registration process including completing all formal procedures (submitting documents, certificates etc.) is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
- The submission of the application entails the unconditional acceptance of both the pricing policy and the amount of the tuition fees disclosed to the interested parents/guardians.
- The parent/guardian is informed by the Secretariat concerning acceptance or rejection of his application.
- The school reserves the right to deny registration or delete a student for reasons affecting its operation.
For the registration of a student at Littles Kindergarten the following documents are considered necessary:
- An application of registration submitted by the parent (school form)
- Individual Student’s Health Card (form)
- Pediatric history (school form)
- A Birth Certificate by the Municipality for the registration of the student in the relevant registers
- A copy of the vaccines from the student’s Health Booklet
- Four (4) color ID photos of the student
- A letter of approval for trips (school form)
- Information and Consent for the processing of children’s and parents’ personal data (school form)
- Any other detail considered necessary for facilitating the selection
The starting and ending dates of classes are determined each year by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.
Kindergartens do not operate on the following dates and periods, pursuant to the provisions of P. D. 79/2017 (Gov. Gaz. 109/Α/2017):
- Saturdays and Sundays
- 28th October (national day)
- 24 December to 7 January incl. (Christmas holidays)
- Ash Monday
- 25th March (national day)
- from Holy Monday until Friday after Easter incl. (Easter holidays)
- 1st May
- Holy Spirit day
- the day of celebrating the Patron Saint of the school seat and the day of the local national day
The dates are published and subjected to amendments/circulars by the Ministry of Education.
- Parents are informed about national days /holidays from the annual calendar, through the electronic platform Μykidsdo and with notes /emails sent throughout the school year.
Personal details
Parents must inform the school Secretariat about any change in their personal or demographic information by email to info@littles.gr. Parents are requested to inform the school Secretariat about the email address they wish to use in contacts with the school, since a significant part of information is sent electronically.
Hours of business
08:30-09:00 Arrival by Own Means
09:00-14:55 Basic Program
Arrival / Departure
- The timely arrival of students before the start of the educational program is considered necessary. The arrival of students at Littles starts at 8:30 a.m. and is strictly completed at the start of the educational program. In this way, the smooth operation of the school is protected and so is respect towards the other students and the members of the school team.
- The departure of pupils takes place after the end of the educational program. For reasons of the smooth operation of the school hours and programming, the departure of students departing by own means takes place in a unified way after the departure of the school buses. If a parent comes before the departure time, he is requested to wait at the school entrance.
Departure of a student before the formal end of the school day is only done exceptionally and in special cases. In case of an emergency departure, the parent must inform the Secretariat in writing by 11:00 a.m. on the same day. - The student is picked up from the school by the parents or by another suitable person they have specifically indicated in writing. In case of an emergency, in which another person will have to pick up the student from the school, the Management must be informed ahead of time and a police ID card or another means of identification must be produced. Littles is not obliged to deliver the student to a person not explicitly authorized by the parents.
- Parking spaces for immediate pick-up: Littles has specific Parking spaces at the disposal of the parents. These spaces are characterized as “spaces for immediate delivery/pick-up” and operate as follows: as soon as the parent parks, he informs the responsible school person about the student he is going to pick up. The Secretariat is informed by internal communication and it sends the student accompanied by an adult to the exit in order to get into the vehicle immediately. This process is deemed necessary, so that people remain for a short time in these places, giving all parents the opportunity to pick-up the students immediately without delays. If the parents wish to remain in the school premises for a specific reason, they are not allowed to park their cars in the above-mentioned parking spaces for immediate delivery/pick-up.
Information of Parents
Parents are informed:
- At the beginning of each school year in the 1st Parents’ Meeting with the purpose to inform about the educational program and issues of operation.
- • At the Parents’ Meetings taking place three (3) times a year / per quarter, aiming at informing about issues of the students’ progress. The dates of the meetings are announced by the school Management at the beginning of the school year.
- At exceptional meetings to inform parents about special issues.
- With monthly newsletters
- Through the electronic platform Μykidsdo
- With notes/emails sent throughout the school year
- Regarding everyday issues that may arise inside the school, contact between educators and parents takes place by telephone after the end of the educational program and not during the students’ arrival or departure from school.
- Communication on financial/administrative issues is also done in writing.
- • Regarding any other form of information, you may use the contact numbers and email info@littles.gr.
Health – Diseases
- The school is committed to ensure a healthy environment.
- If a student has a communicable disease, the parents must immediately inform the school. The school undertakes the obligation to inform the other parents of the class, as soon as it is formally informed by the parent or/and your pediatrician.
- The student returns with a mandatory pediatrician’s note that the disease is no longer transmitted and he may return to the school environment. Otherwise, the school reserves the right to refuse the student’s entry in the school for reasons of protection of the student population, in particular during morbidity periods, when protection measures must be intensified by all parties.
- When a student becomes ill or has a fever, he is required to remain at home. He may return to the school, if 24 hours have passed without symptoms of the illness or indisposition and is in a healthy condition once again. If a student is absent because of illness, it is recommended that he presents a pediatrician’s note at his return.
- If a stundet becomes ill while at Littles, the school informs the parents by phone for them to pick up the student from the school and remains in a special space outside the class until picked up.
- When a student is absent from school because of disease or another obligation, parents are advised to inform the school Secretariat by phone on the same day.
- When the student is absent, and if he uses the school bus as a means of transport, parents must inform the school Secretariat by phone, in order to adjust the route accordingly.
- In case of an accident there is direct contact with the parents regarding the student’s condition and the way the incident happened and the school pediatrician. If the incident is serious and demands transfer to a hospital, it is done by ambulance or by the parent.
- Medication is not brought to the school.
- The school takes all measures for the prevention and response to communicable diseases (application of health rules, ventilation of classes, use of disinfecting means).
- The school has insured students with a group policy for accidents happening on its premises
Cooperation with a pediatrician
The pediatrician visits the school regularly to inform on health issues and response to diseases.
- The transfer of students to and from the school is optional.
- At the beginning of each educational period, parents are informed about the exact time for getting on and off the bus. In case of weather or traffic problems, the delayed arrival of the school bus is justified.
- The students and the person accompanying them have to be at the determined place for getting on and off the bus a few minutes before the determined time. In the opposite case and after waiting for a few minutes, the bus will leave, because delays significantly affect the duration of routes and the students.
- Students are not delivered to anyone else except the parents or people indicated by the parents in writing,, via email or by phone. The people picking up students are indicated by the parents and must have their ID card with them at the beginning of the school year. In the opposite case, the student returns to the school.
- The parent/guardian must inform the school Secretariat in writing about any change in the itinerary or in the delivery/picking up process.
- The school reserves the right to adjust the itineraries according to the needs of the program and the students registered for it.
- In case of emergencies where it is not possible to carry out the itinerary (bus breakdown, weather conditions) the parents are informed in a timely way regarding delivery/picking up the students by private means.
Financial obligations/Tuition fees pricing policy
- Tuition fees are paid for the students registering at Littles. The fees are disclosed by the Management to the parents every school year.
- Method of payment of tuition fees:
- Deposit: 1.500 euro. It is paid in the period 1-10 May and concerns the following school year
- The tuition fees – after deducting the down payment are paid in 3 equal installments as follows:
- 1st Installment: 1-10 September
- 2nd Installment: 1-10 December
- 3rd Installment: 1-10 March
- The registration amount is paid as a lump sum each year for the student’s registration, it is not offset against the tuition fees and is set by Management. The registration amount for the following school year is paid with the tuition fees of the 3rd semester, i. e. from 1-10 March.
- The reservation of the place for which the registration application is submitted presupposes the timely payment of both the registration and the deposit amounts cumulatively.
- The registration and deposit amounts are not refunded if the child is withdrawn by decision of the parent.
- In case of withdrawal or interruption of attendance after the start of the school year by decision of the parent, the tuition fees for the school year are payable in full.
- The cost of transport by school bus is not included in the tuition fees of the educational programs. The pricing policy for the use of the school bus is unified regardless of its individual use. In case of termination of use of the school bus, the fee is not refunded.
- The cost of optional activities is not included in the tuition fees for the educational programs.
- The same pricing policy applies to pupils registering during the school year.
- The school reserves the right not to register a student again, if tuition fees from previous years are owed or the deposit was not paid. If the tuition fees are not paid, the school reserves the right to exercise all its legal rights.
- The school is entitled to adjust the tuition fees per school year, depending on services provided, market conditions and the requirements of its operation.
The discounts provided in the tuition is:
- 5% in case of full payment with the deposit
- For families with two children attending Littles, the youngest child recieves a 5% discount on the tuition fees and 50% on transport fees
At the beginning of the school year a flexible time schedule is used for stay in the school, mainly for students attending for the first time, in order to facilitate their adjustment. After the adjustment period, all students follow the same program.
What we bring from home
- All students need two to three clean seasonal changes of clothes, which they have in their bags every day.
- We propose that students wear comfortable and simple clothes for the daily program.
- In the school, sharp objects or very small objects or personal items (toys, valuable items etc.) are forbidden.
- Parents must write the student’s name on his personal items, like the bag, jacket, cardigans, because students often wear the same or similar clothes and it is difficult for themselves or/and educators to find them.
- In exceptional cases and depending on the topic of the educational program at various periods in the school year, the school may propose to them to bring from home information or an object that will help in the students’ research (e. g. a book, a photo etc.).
- Parents are requested not to bring invitations to parties and presents for the fellow students for distribution. The contact list is provided for the private communication of parents in order to facilitate the contact among them.
- The school is not liable in case of loss of the pupil’s personal items.
Educational visits and trips
- During the school year, educational visits and trips take place as part of the interdisciplinary approach (indicatively museums, theaters, cultural spaces, parks, the community) with the purpose to cultivate our students’ personality.
- Parents are informed accordingly in a timely fashion by the school in the monthly Newsletters, the electronic platform Μykidsdo and by notes/emails sent throughout the school year.
- The necessary condition for the student’s participation is the written consent of the parent provided once at the beginning of the school year.
- Educational visits or trips are an important part of the educational process, however, if a parent does not wish for the student to participate in one of them for a serious reason, the school Secretariat must be informed on time. In such a case the student will not come to school that day.
- The timely arrival of the students on the day of the planned visit is required for the correct preparation and planning. In case of delayed arrival on the day of the planned visit, the school will not wait out of respect for the other students and the school program.
- Parents are not charged for the participation of pupils in educational visits and trips, with the exception of special cases.
Information and Consent for the Processing of the children’s and parents’ personal data
As part of its operation, Littles collects and processes personal data of children, students or prospective students, as well as their parents and guardians. Littles adopts all necessary measures for the protection and lawful processing of this data, pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (ΕU) and current legislation. In the special leaflet with the title “Information and Consent for processing of personal data of children and parents” you can study the relevant information about data processing, and provide your consent, where required, for the purposes mentioned therein.
Exceptional conditions
Littles may have to suspend its operation temporarily by a decision of the competent Directorate of the Ministry of Education, when entirely exceptional reasons exist, harboring dangers and following a decision by the competent bodies or for any other emergency reasons, taking the pupils’ safety into account. Parents are informed by Mass Media and by the school.
In case of temporary suspension of the operation of the School on grounds of force majeure (e. g. bad weather, pandemic, earthquake, terrorist activity, war etc.) the teaching staff will undertake all necessary actions in order to ensure the contact of students with the School as well as the students’ and educational goals of the class with the help of distance learning (asynchronous or/and synchronous).
The suspension of live operation of the School for the above reasons does not affect the amount and payment of tuition fees. For the period during which the school will be in suspension of operations, the charges for Optional Activities not taking place will not be paid, as will the transport cost by school bus (transport fare).
Regulation Acceptance
- The purpose of the regulation is to create an organized environment and to codify its rules of operation according to its philosophy and mission. For this reason, the parents’ cooperation is considered significant, so that it achieves the expected results in its educational-pedagogical policy.
- Keeping the school rules is a necessary condition for its smooth operation and the fulfillment of its mission. The present Regulation was prepared pursuant to the provisions of L. 682/1977 as in force at each time, in combination with P. D. 79/2017 (Gov. Gaz. 109/Α/2017),
- The pupils’ registration at Littles is a written statement and full and unreserved acceptance of the Operation Regulation, as provided for in art. 11 of L. 682/1977 as in force at each time.
- If the registration process is carried out by electronic means, the parent/guardian may also receive the Regulation electronically, pursuant to article 11 of L. 682/1977 as in force at each time, as long as its electronic reception can be proven in writing.
- The school reserves the right to complement/modify the terms of the regulation, if it is considered appropriate.